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Most Worshipful
Grand Master 

Johnnie J. Eaves. 33°

Johnnie J. Eaves. Grand Master of the State of Kansas

His masonic journey began in 1988 when he was raised in New Light Lodge #242 out of Texas jurisdiction. Later he demitted to Oklahoma Jurisdiction where he served as Worshipful Master in 1995 with Cornerstone Military Lodge #135 in Baumholder, Germany. He also became a member of JosephT. Thorton/Alvin K. Wilkins Chapter #58, Holy Royal Arch Mason, and Eminent Commander of Royce H. Brister Commandery #6. In 1993 he was elevated to 32° in Charles A. Spikes Consistory #323, Spiesbaden, Germany and Al Kerak Temple # 194, AEAONMS in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Upon return to the U.S., he continuously served the craft as a Past Master of J.G.N. Soanes #105, in Abilene, Kansas for several years. Due to war J.G.N. Soanes closed, and he became a member of Acacia Lodge #91 where he served as Worshipful Master in 2006 to 2008. His lodge received the honors of “Lodge of the Year” both terms as Worshipful Master. He rotated to Korea in 2009, where he was appointed as Assistant District Deputy Grand Master of District #21 in Seoul, Korea where he was Associate member of Prince Hall Military Lodge #141.
Upon return from Korea, he was appointed in Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas as Grand Junior Deacon in 2010. In 2012 he was appointed as Grand Senior Deacon. He was then elected as RW Grand Orator in 2013. While serving as Grand Orator he had oversight of a Broken Column Ceremony to honor Kansas first Prince Hall Grand Master in Atchison, Kansas. He served in Nathan W. Thatcher Consistory #107 in several capacities to include Illustrious Secretary, 1st and 2nd Lieutenant Commanders, and Commander in Chief. He was also elevated to 33° in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the Herbert M. Douglas Class of 2013. In 2015, he was elected and installed as RW Grand Lecturer where he served for three consecutive years. While serving as Grand Lecturer, he had oversight on several major projects to include a joint Table Lodge and Cornerstone Rededication at Kansas State Capitol with Kansas AF&AM Grand Lodge. Additionally, he had oversight on purchase and remodeling of MWPHGLKS new Grand East building and the Cornerstone Ceremony that followed. He has served the Kansas Council of Deliberation as both 1st and 2nd Lieutenant Commander, where he was instrumental in implementing an Orient wide Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal. He received the distinct honors and joined the elite group recognized as Master Mason of the Year in 2016 and 2017. In June 2018, he was elected and installed as RW Junior Grand Warden. As RW Junior Grand Warden, he submitted and proposed the new voting procedure that was adopted by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas. This new procedure streamlined the Grand Lodge voting procedures and has been very effective and well received by the membership. Many activities were halted due to a national pandemic, COVID 19. In August 2020, he was elected and installed as RW Senior Grand Warden. Again, many activities were halted due to the pandemic that continued to plague the country and the world. In June 2022, he was elected and installed as RW Deputy Grand Master where he served with distinction. In June 2024, he was elected and installed Most Worshipful Grand Master where he currently serves with distinction. He is a member of Phi Xi Chapter of Omega Phi Psi Fraternity Incorporated, Lifetime Member of VFW Post 8773, Lifetime Member of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite United Supreme Council, 33° Northern Jurisdiction, Joe Louis Chapter of Buffalo Soldiers 9th & 10th Cavalry, American Association of Notaries, Fayum Temple # 109, Ancient and Egyptian Arabic Noble of the Mystic Shrine, Acacia Lodge #91, 1st Lieutenant Commander of Kansas Council of Deliberation, He is also Chairman/Founder of Junction City Community Partners community based organization.

Elected Grand Lodge Officers

Past Grand Masters

In Freemasonry, a Grand Master is the title given to the person elected to oversee a Masonic jurisdiction. He presides over a Grand Lodge, and has certain rights in the constituent Lodges that form his jurisdiction. In most, but not all cases, the Grand Master is styled  “Most Worshipful Grand Master.”

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